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作者:优德88    日期:2024-09-05    阅读( )
本文摘要:Both Samsung and BlackBerry quickly put the kibosh on a report Wednesday afternoon that the two are engaged in takeover talks. But why would the world’s biggest smartphone company pay a rumored $7.5 billion for a Canadian tech company whose glory days are past? Answer: Its rich intellectual property portfolio—especially all its juicy security innovations.对于上周有媒体称之为三星和黑莓正在展开并购洽深的报导,两家公司都很快不予坚称。

Both Samsung and BlackBerry quickly put the kibosh on a report Wednesday afternoon that the two are engaged in takeover talks. But why would the world’s biggest smartphone company pay a rumored $7.5 billion for a Canadian tech company whose glory days are past? Answer: Its rich intellectual property portfolio—especially all its juicy security innovations.对于上周有媒体称之为三星和黑莓正在展开并购洽深的报导,两家公司都很快不予坚称。但全球仅次于的智能手机厂商为何不愿代价传闻中的75亿美元高价,来并购一家盛年仍然的加拿大技术公司呢?答案是:因为后者持有人非常丰富的知识产权——特别是在是在前景光明的安全性创意领域。The excitement was triggered by a Reuters story that cited documents about the potential transaction as the source of its information. Samsung actually has made at least one play for BlackBerry BBRY -19.77% before, in 2012. As to this latest rumor, the alleged takeover target was the first to refute that a deal is in the works.引起并购热议的是一篇路透社的报导,报导援引了一份关于潜在交易的文档作为消息源。

实质上,三星早已最少一次地回应过对黑莓的兴趣了,那时还是2012年。而对于近期的谣言,传闻被并购的目标黑莓首先跳跃出来坚称交易正在展开。“BlackBerry has not engaged in discussions with Samsung with respect to any possible offer to purchase BlackBerry,” the company said in a statement issued Wednesday afternoon. “BlackBerry’s policy is not to comment on rumors or speculation, and accordingly it does not intend to comment further.”黑莓在周三下午的一份声明中回应:“黑莓仍未与三星展开过任何潜在的并购谈判。黑莓的方针是不对谣言和猜测加以评论,因此我们也会回应作出更进一步解释。

”Samsung’s comment was shorter: “Media reports of the acquisition are groundless.”三星的声明则更为结尾:“媒体对并购的报导毫无根据。”At the center of the speculation is BlackBerry’s healthy intellectual property portfolio, 44,000 patents and still growing. Last October, for example, the company won at least 27 new ones—covering everything from conference-calling interfaces to touch screens to security features for wearable technologies such as smart watches, eyeglasses and fitness bands. Security continues to be BlackBerry’s biggest selling point with businesses. Just ask the Sony movie studio division, which “resorted” to outdated BlackBerrys to restart communications after its security breach last Thanksgiving.人们猜测的重点在于黑莓完善的知识产权体系。黑莓享有4.4万项专利,这一数值还在持续增长。


Although it looked like the mobile patent wars might cool off after several settlements late in 2014, this year kicked off with a skirmish between Apple and Ericsson over patent royalties related to wireless communications. BlackBerry used to be pretty litigious: It even took on celebrity Ryan Seacrest over its keyboard! But these days it is more focused on trying to convince smartphone buyers that its technology is cool again. Or at least relevant.尽管随着2014年末几项官司尘埃落定,手机专利战争或许早已降温,但新年伊始,苹果与爱立信就又在无线通讯的专利费亲率上愈演愈烈冲突。黑莓过去就是一家热衷诉讼的公司:他们甚至因为名人瑞安o西克雷斯特设计的手机键盘而控告他。

但近些日子以来,公司更好地把工作焦点放到了让智能手机消费者坚信他们的技术依旧有趣,或最少很有意义上。Whether or not any sort of BlackBerry-Samsung deal actually happens, the development highlights next wave of innovation (and litigation) in mobile technology: one centered on access control methods and containing corporate breachesin an increasingly mobile world.无论黑莓和三星联姻这种事否再次发生,时代的发展早已突显了移动技术下一波创意(和诉讼)浪潮的所在:在日益移动简化的世界中掌控权限掌控方法,制止企业遭黑客攻击。



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